
How to check your water quality

How to Measure the TDS (total dissolved solids) of Water using a Conductivity Meter?

Use this to measure salinity of soil or water.An electrical conductivity meter, or EC meter, is the only common device that can be used to measure the salinity of soil. It can also be used to measure the salinity of water, but a high-quality EC meter may be significantly more expensive than a refract meter or hydrometer.

 Select an electrical conductivity meter.These devices send an electrical current through the material, and measure how much the material resists the flow of current. The more salts found in the water or soil, the higher the conductivity rating. In order to get an accurate reading for common water and soil types, select an EC meter that can measure up to at least 19.99 mS/cm (19.99 dS/m)

Adjust for temperature according to the EC meter's instructions. Some EC meters automatically correct for the temperature of the liquid, which can affect conductivity. Wait at least thirty seconds for the meter to make this adjustment, or longer if the water is unusually cold or hot. Other meters have a dial which can be manually adjusted to the correct temperature.


Read the display. The display is typically digital, and may give you a measurement in mS/cm, dS/m, or mmhos/cm. fortunately, these three units are equal in size, so you do not need to convert between them.

TDS (ppm) is 2/3 of Conductivity (µS/cm)


How to measure the pH of Water using a pH Meter?

Calibrate the probe and meter following the manufacturer specifications.You may need to calibrate the meter by testing it in a substance with a known pH rating. You can then adjust the meter accordingly. If you will be testing water away from a lab, you may want to perform this calibration several hours before you take the meter to the field.

Collect a sample of the water in a clean container, noting that:

the water sample must be deep enough to cover the tip of the electrode.

let the sample sit for a moment so the temperature can stabilize.

measure the temperature of the sample using a thermometer.

Adjust the meter to match the sample temperature. The probe's sensitivity is affected by the temperature of the water, and so the reading of the meter cannot be accurate if you do not input the temperature data.

 Put the probe into the sample. Wait for the meter to come to equilibrium. The meter has reached equilibrium when the measurement becomes steady.

Read the pH measurement of the sample. Your pH meter should provide a reading on the scale of 0-14. If the water is pure it should read close to 7. Record your findings.




How to test Chlorine rate & carbon cartridge quality?

Chlorine and organic contaminants' testing solution

•Place 5 drops from the solution in the tap water, in the case of the presence of chlorine in water, it will be discolored yellow.

•Place 5 points from the solution on the water resulting from the filter after the carbon cartridge, if the water was not affected in any color, whatever the amount of the solution, & remained without color this is an indication of the quality of the carbon cartridges in the absorption of carbon, chlorine, chemicals, organic, color, taste and odor.

•If there's any yellowing in the water, this is an evidence of the low-quality of the carbon cartridges.

 •If discoloration of the water was yellow, it is proof that the carbon cartridges are very bad & might cause harm.


How to Test Water Purity?

Fill a clean, clear glass with water from your tap.

Hold the glass up to the light and take a look at the water. Is it clear or cloudy? Can you see particles floating in the water or settling to the bottom of the glass? Anything other than clear liquid could be a sign of bacterial or particulate contamination

Smell the water. Does it smell like rotten eggs, a swimming pool, nail polish remover, or anything else unpleasant? These odors could indicate the presence of high chlorine content, organic solvents, or naturally-occurring sulfur.